Call of Duty Mobile Guide: Modes, Loadouts, Scorestreaks and Best Settings

Call of Duty mobile is now available to play on almost all mobile devices. With the whole Battle Royale trend getting boring, Activision is back with a free-to-play Call of Duty version that features multiplayer playlists such as Team Deathmatch, Frontline and so on.

We’ll get into every available mode and the best settings for Call of Duty mobile to start off with.

For those who are still wondering how far this game will go, 30 million downloads in 48 hours are the response since launch. So if you’re a Call of Duty fan, you’ll love this smooth mobile version that has brought back the love for quick multiplayer matches back into the shooter game communities worldwide.

call of duty mobile best settings

The New Multiplayer Modes in Call of Duty Mobile

Activision has brought in a brand new playlist to its mobile version of the game. Players can now create 5 player party lobbies and grind it out. This has sparked a great amount of excitement amongst players. Let’s take a look at the various available game modes.

Team Deathmatch

deathmatch call of duty mobile
Deathmatch Call of Duty mobile
The all time favourite 5v5 Team Deathmatch has been in the game since its inception. Two teams battle it out and the first to reach a score of 40 is declared the winning team.

There are plenty of maps to choose from and skill-based matchmaking is active as well. Level based matchmaking guarantees players of a similar level to match up against your team. This is considered the perfect way for a player to smoothly enter into the game.


frontline cod mobile
Frontline Call of Duty Mobile
This is basically the same as Team Deathmatch, except that the players will spawn in a fixed place (homebase) after each death.

Upon respawning, every player is immune to fire for roughly 10 seconds and can damage players while remaining invincible. The main strategy in this mode is to reach the middle of the map and to stand ground while eliminating waves of enemies coming in.

The first team to reach a score of 50 wins!


Domination Call of Duty Mobile
Domination Call of Duty Mobile

This 5v5 mode requires teams to capture positions marked on the map. Each team has to stay within the marked area for a certain amount to capture it.

After a team captures a position, depending on how many and how long each position is captured for, points are allotted to the team and the first to reach the mentioned score wins.

Search & Destroy

Search & Destroy Call of Duty Mobile
Search & Destroy Call of Duty Mobile
This is the only mode in this playlist that does not feature respawning. Players from each team have to either destroy an objective or stop the opponents from destroying the objective. Every player has only one life per round and in this mode team comms play a very important role.

So these are the available game modes at the moment. Maps featured are the same in every mode mentioned above. While playing ranked matches players do not get to choose the mode or the map, they are selected at random.

Best Loadout for Call of Duty Mobile

Loadouts & Scorestreaks Call of Duty Mobile
Loadouts & Scorestreaks Call of Duty Mobile
Weapons loadouts play a big factor in the new multiplayer modes. Call of Duty mobile best guns are not that easy to pick. At least for starters, you get an M4 which is a well balanced assault rifle to start off with.
Best Loadout Call of Duty Mobile
In this mode, you gain XP and levels with every match you play. Unlike the Battle Royale mode where you start off on level grounds with your opponents, the multiplayer mode requires you keep playing and performing well to get new guns and even upgrades on your already existing guns.

Depending on the map and the role you play with your squad, three types of loadouts are essentially required to play the game.

A shotgun loadout, an assault rifle loadout and sniper loadout are the most used loadouts in the game. After every match you are given XP cards on the basis of your performance and it is important for you to make use of them. Guns have attachments and it’s on the basis of these XP cards you’d to use them.

Scorestreaks Call of Duty Mobile
Scorestreaks Call of Duty Mobile

Scorestreaks play an important role as well in this game, they are activated when a players get multiple kills on each fight and depending on how many kills get gotten the scorestreak points keep increasing.

You can pre-assign 3 of your favorite scorestreaks to your loadout and depending on the amount of scorestreak point you’ve accumulated, scorestreaks unlock themselves for the player to use. Again, you get to choose from a long list depending on how many you’ve unlocked.

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Mike Jones

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