DrLupo Call of Duty Modern Warfare Settings & Setup


DrLupo Modern Warfare Settings

Game settings Input
Mouse Sensitivity8.00
ADS Mouse SensitivityRelative
ADS Horizontal1.00
ADS Vertical1.00
Monitor Coefficient1.33
Mouse Acceleration0
Mouse Filtering0
Field of View100
ADS Field of ViewAffected
Automatic Weapon SwitchOn
Weapon Cycle Delay0
Mouse DPI800
Polling Rate 1000 Hz

DrLupo Modern Warfare Keybinds

Health KitX
Special AbilityQ
Change Stance/SlideC
Crouch (Hold)n/a
Prone (Toggle)Z
Steady Aim/SprintLSHIFT
Auto RunH
Map (Toggle)M
Inventory (Toggle)Tab

Graphics SettingsInput
Display ModeFullscreen
Refresh Rate165.000
Display Resolution2560×1440
Render Resolution100%
Aspect RatioAutomatic
Vertical SyncOff
Preload ShadersOn
Display GammaComputer (sRGB)

Graphics SettingsInput
Texture QualityMedium
Texture Filtering QualityHigh
Special Effects QualityHigh
Model QualityHigh
Static Reflection QualityHigh
Screen Space ReflectionsOn
Object View DistanceMedium

Graphics SettingsInput
Shadow QualityVery High
Dynamic ShadowsAll
Special Effect ShadowsOn
Weapon ShadowOn
Global Illumination QualityDefault

Graphics SettingsInput
Anti-Aliasing QualityOff
Ambient Occlusion QualityVery High
Motion BlurOff
Motion Blur QualityDisabled
Subsurface ScatteringOn
Order Independent TransparencyHigh

DrLupo Blackout Settings


What is DrLupo's Call of Duty Modern Warfare Settings?

The professional streamer and video gamer DrLupo, recognized for playing games as Fortnite and PUBG. He is often seen playing battle royale themed games, now also Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. DrLupo is known for his entertaining streams together with a lot of other great streamers. DrLupo’s Modern Warfare settings are amazing for those who want to game with high resolution and stable FPS.