LIRIK Call of Duty Modern Warfare Settings & Setup


LIRIK Modern Warfare Settings

Game settings Input
Mouse Sensitivity12.00
Aim Down Sight (ADS)Relative
Mouse Acceleration0.00
Mouse Filtering0.00
Mouse SmoothingDisabled
Field of View80.00
Horizontal Heads-up Display100.00
Vertical Heads-up Display100.00
World Motion Blur Disabled
Weapon Motion Blur Disabled
FPS CounterDisable
Server Latency Disable
Mouse DPI800
Polling Rate 1000 Hz

LIRIK Modern Warfare Keybinds

Side BehaviorTap
Crouch BehaviorToggle
Prone BehaviorToggle
Automatic Airborne Mantle DisabledDisabled
Sprint/Tactical Spring BehaviorToggle
EquipmentThumb Mouse Button 4
Health KitX
Special AbilityQ
Crouch/SlideLeft CTRL
Prone (Toggle)Z
Steady Aim/SprintLeft Shift
Auto RunH
Map (Toggle)M
Inventory (Toggle)Tab or Scroll Wheel Click

LIRIK Modern Warfare Graphics Settings​

Graphics SettingsInput
Display ModeFullscreen Borderless
Render Resolution100%
Display Resolution2560×1440
Screen Refresh Rate120
Aspect RatioAutomatic
Sync Every Frame (V-Sync)Disabled
Custom Framerate LimitDisabled
Texture ResolutionHigh
Texture Filter AnisotropicHigh
Particle QualityHigh
Bullet ImpactEnabled
Shadow Map ResolutionExtra
Cache Spot ShadowsEnabled
Cache Sun ShadowsEnabled
Ambient OcclusionBoth
Particle LightningUltra
Filmic Strength1.00
Film Grain0.25

LIRIK Modern Warfare Sensitivity

LIRIK Modern Warfare Sensitivity

Display Mode & Refresh Rate


What is LIRIK Call of Duty Modern Warfare Settings?

The popular streamer LIRIK have been playing the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare a lot. As streamer who plays most games, his settings are not very aimed for a competitive approach. Most inputs are set to either high or ultra, giving the best looking version of COD possible.